It’s time to pre-order your baby Chicks!
Three hatch dates this year:
March 26, 2025
April 23, 2025
May 14, 2025
(The chicks arrive up to 4 days after this date)
For those new to ordering chickens, turkeys or ducks with us, here's what you do:
*Choose a hatch date; this is the week your birds will arrive.
*Choose the types of birds you would like. You must order a minimum of 6 birds, but you can mix and match breeds and species according to the breed minimums listed on the price sheet (For example you could order 2 Buff Orpington females, 2 Rhode Island Reds females and 2 Cornish Cross Broilers)
*Call us at 518-747-3060 or come in to the store
*We will verify that your birds are still available & take a 50% deposit
*Then wait and prepare for your new chicks!
*When your baby birds arrive at Sutherland's, we get them counted, checked and fed, then call you to let you know you can come pick up your birds at Sutherland's.
Call in your order to 518-747-3060. (Order anything we carry, don't be shy!)
Pay over the phone with Credit Card or Cash when you arrive
Drive to Sutherland's PetWorks
Call us at the same number, 518-747-3060 to tell us when you are here
We will bring the items out to your car
Receipt required for any and all returns or exchanges